We would like to thank you all again for sending your feedback through to the IKSA and for taking part in our survey.  As promised, we are pleased to be sharing the results with you. The overall aim of the survey was to identify member and non-member expectations of the IKSA.  Our primary objective was to identify and prioritise necessary improvements and changes that will help us to grow our membership base and to measure our current performance with respect to the IKSA objectives.  A total of 75 of 100 responses (29 non members and 46 members) were received  with the remaining 25 categorised as uncompleted. There appears to be four main areas of improvements deemed necessary to meet member expectations, attract new members and win back the trust of lapsed members.  We would like to take this opportunity to address each of those areas and update you on the activity currently taking place. 

Better and more relevant communication with members

Each member should now receive an updated welcome email with a summary of their policy attached. If your policy expires, you should also receive an email notification of same.  With those basics covered,  we will continue to send out quarterly newsletters with a summary of the events, some profiles and much, much more! We are planning to send pre-event emails containing the most up-to-date information as well as who from the IKSA you can expect to see there. 

More events organised / hosted by IKSA

Watch out! We have a fun packed year ahead.  The up to date events schedule can be found on our website www.iksa.ie.  And, back due to popular demand, we will also be hosting a number of Sandy Burger events around Ireland.  Keep an eye on our facebook page for more updates.http://www.facebook.com/IrishKitesurfingAssociation

Room to improve online presence (website, social media and forum)

We are pleased to say that we have some great news about our website!  We will have our new and improved site up and ready for action in June so watch this space: www.iksa.ie!!  We are also delighted with the feedback we have received about our new facebook and twitter pages.  We endeavour to respond to any queries that are raised on the forum however we are not always aware of them.  It is best to contact us directly, however, the committee and beach reps log on to the forum regularly and will continue to offer support where necessary.

Proof of membership/insurance

We are currently in talks with our insurance brokers about the best way to approach this and will contact members once we have a further update.