Irish Kitesurfing Association - Irish Kitesurfing Association - Topics in Category: Beginners Q&A, Advice - Irish Kitesurfing Association Forum Sat, 18 Nov 2023 02:09:52 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management /media/kunena/images/icons/rss.png Irish Kitesurfing Association - Topics in Category: Beginners Q&A, Advice - Irish Kitesurfing Association Forum en-gb Hard lessons learned as a beginner - by: Fergal McNamara 2)Wrap up your lines properly - takes 1 hour or more to untangle
3) Avoid the seaweed (on Dollymount) with your lines - holy molly seaweed got on lines and it won't come off - whole apparatus needed de-rigging and re-rigging (thats another hour).
4) Buy a small vacuum cleaner for your car - it gets ruined from the sand
5) Holy (!) don't loose your car key (the Kyte Gods came to my rescue and allowed me to find it on the beach)
6) Remember, its from your mistakes you learn but don't let the mistakes cost too much]]>
Beginners Q&A, Advice Fri, 18 Aug 2023 14:02:03 +0100
Reading the Conditions – Wind, Waves & Water - by: Bryan Pelly Progression on reading conditions...
Wind Sites, Direction, Density, Thermals, Waves, Tides, Currents & Wind Patterns...

Can't cover it all but a good starting resource for those new to kite and water sports]]>
Beginners Q&A, Advice Wed, 28 Sep 2023 15:15:57 +0100
Kiteboarding group - by: Bryan Pelly
You could try joining some of the Heading Out Groups set up on Facebook to get in touch with others in Dublin and see who's planning to head out for a session. More details here & try the Heading Out East group for Dublin and surrounding area.

There are some other Facebook Groups available - Kiting Buddies is another good one for keeping in touch with the community.

Also, here are some links to Beach Guides for the popular kiting spots in Dublin ]]>
Beginners Q&A, Advice Mon, 09 May 2023 09:57:19 +0100
Kiteboarding Rights of Way - by: Bryan Pelly Rights of Way when kitesurfing has been updated to include a nice clear video from the "Progression" team.

Check it out and let us know what you think...

Summary of the key points:

Give way if:

1. You are coming in to shore and people are launching or entering the water
2. You are riding on port tack (left hand forward) you must give way to riders on starboard tack (right hand forward)
3. Riding faster, overtake downwind. The kiter being overtaken has the right of way, and is responsible for maintaining course while being overtaken.

When passing other kitesurfers:

UPWIND kitesurfer, kite HIGH
DOWNWIND kitesurfer, kite LOW]]>
Beginners Q&A, Advice Mon, 22 Jun 2023 14:11:56 +0100
Beginners weekend - by: Bryan Pelly
We don't have any plans to run a beginners weekend this year, however we did host a number of Sandy Burger Events with clinics run by local schools or instructors.
We've also just completed a Coaching Clinic with Jo Wilson for improving riders looking to improve their riding and freestyle tricks.

We are currently planning our Event Calendar for 2015 so keep your eye on the site for more information]]>
Beginners Q&A, Advice Fri, 10 Oct 2023 15:31:08 +0100