Over the course of the last few months there has been some much required work carried out on our IKSA website.

The Joomla! platform has been updated with some software patches (to resolve bugs and general issues) and our membership component has been updated too. 

However, there may from time to time, be some issues with the membership subscriptions and renewals so please check-in with us if you experience any problems using this site, paying with Paypal or if membership renewals don't appear to be successful.

Some things to watch out for:

  • When you are directed to Paypal, the Paypal Order Summary does not display the correct details for your membership; it should contain your Name and IKSA User Name in the Order Summary's Description (you may need to move your mouse over this to see the full text on screen)
  • You create or renew your membership but don't receive an email from Paypal confirming the payment (checking SPAM/Junk folder also)
  • You create or renew your membership but don't receive any email from us confirming the membership (checking SPAM/Junk folder also)
  • You create or renew your membership but when you log into the IKSA website you are prompted to subscribe/renew

In addition to some of the essential maintenance, some improvements have also been made to the site:

  • Paypal subscriptions are now supported.  This allows you to set up a regular payment with Paypal to automatically pay your yearly subscription fee automatically every year, see more information on how this works on the Paypal site
  • The site has an updated Look & Feel which now also supports mobile devices, i.e., Smart Phones and Tablets

If you experience any problems using the site, or have any suggestions for improvements or additional content you would like to see, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or use the Contact Us page.

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